BunnyCDN is a great and inexpensive way to improve your site speed and push your sites up the Google rankings. My full BunnyCDN review will go through the main features and details on how BunnyCDN can help your site perform better than ever at minimum cost.
I have been using BunnyCDN for almost a year now and the load it has taken off my host server has been incredible.
I was receiving errors in cPanel mainly for CPU and Memory, once I started using BunnyCDN I received no memory errors and very few CPU errors. Quite simply, BunnyCDN took a lot of the grunt work and serves my files locally for readers of my content.
This is just a quick overview but if your site is slow and sluggish, you can try BunnyCDN free for 14 days or just sign up for a ridiculous $10. This is credited to your account and only when users are visiting the site is the credit used.
How much does BunnyCDN cost?
BunnyCDN’s pricing is incredible value, I don’t believe anyone other top CDN provider can match the pricing. This is great for any level of site owner and blogger.
Traffic from Europe and North America are charged at just $0.01 per GB – yes that’s right PER GB!! It’s not like the rest of the world is breaking the bank from $0.03 to $0.06 per GB.
If you have a site that is mainly providing large downloadable files then the Volume plan is even more attractive at just $0.005 PER GB!! That goes lower but let’s not get ahead of ourselves by thinking about petabytes and live in the gigabyte world for now.
How to setup BunnyCDN
Setting up BunnyCDN is straightforward if you have a little experience creating CNAME records from cPanel or your host panel.
You simply name a new pull zone and add something like cdn.mydomain.com as a CNAME record and point it to the full pull zone address which will be something like pullzonename..b-cdn.net. By using the CNAME record the files will be presented as cdn.mydomain.com.
If you use WordPress as your website management system, installation is extremely easy and straightforward. BunnyCDN have their own plugin in the WordPress plugin repository or you can simply integrate into any of the most popular caching plugins such as LiteSpeed Cache or WP Rocket.
Using BunnyCDN for file delivery
This is something I never considered as I didn’t have a need for it but BunnyCDN is a fantastically cost-effective way to deliver large files at great speed and no burdon to your host server.
The pricing is exactly the same but in the BunnyCDN control panel, just select a storage zone name and upload files directly to BunnyCDN servers via the control panel or FTP. You can create a CNAME record or just use the given address for the file.
I recently started researching course creation and delivery options but felt that it was too much for my host to handle without upgrading my package and paying substantially for video hosting costs.
Using BunnyCDN storage zone, I can delivery near-instant and bufferless video streaming and/or download at amazingly low prices.
BunnyCDN Review
BunnyCDN is an amazing CDN service offering fast content delivery at a fraction of the market price.
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